Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Classical re union

I missed it!!

of course I missed it!!!

In fact, i never knew it!!

I wish i knew it!!
I really wish I knew!!
I damn **&%ing wish i knew!!

Led Zeppelin played again on stage, and I am not there!!
Of course, eventhough I live in a different continent, I would have flown down to UK just to see them live again. As i read through the reviews, and browse the video clipping over and over again, all I have is frustration, and a hope that they will continue, to tour!!

Even though in their sixties, they have not lost their "led Zep" feel - the high pitch cries, the classic posture, and the hallucinating music still flows out. I hate to even think about it.

And the next time, they decide to play, I am going to be there..
come what may!!!

"Dazed and confused" would be the right mood right now!!

Yes, I am planning to buy a stairway to their concerts -o-

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